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When Do You Call in the Experts? Expert Evidence in Family Law

Experts are commonly engaged in family law proceedings to address a gap in the evidence before the Court or to resolve an issue in dispute. Expert evidence is obtained by way of a written report in order to guide the parties to a resolution or to provide guidance to the Court as to the most appropriate outcome, in either parenting or property proceedings.

Expert evidence is frequently obtained in the following circumstances:

  1. For an accountant to give an opinion as to the value of a business in property proceedings;

  2. For a valuer to give an opinion as to the value of a house or other asset in property proceedings;

  3. For a child psychologist to give an opinion about the most appropriate care arrangements for a child or children in parenting proceedings;

  4.  For a psychiatrist to conduct an assessment and offer an opinion including a diagnosis as to the mental health and recommended treatment of one or more parties involved in parenting proceedings.

It is not a requirement in each case that expert evidence be obtained, however, it is uncommon for there to be no expert evidence. In property proceedings, if parties are able to agree on the value of assets, then there may be no need for the appointment of an expert.

A Single Expert, being an expert in the Court proceedings, can be appointed either by the Court or by parties to proceedings. One of the purposes of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Rules is to encourage parties to only obtain expert evidence in relation to a relevant and significant issue in dispute, to limit the costs of parties, and also to limit the risk to parties regularly obtaining expert evidence, or to “expert shop” if they do not accept the expert evidence they have obtained.

The Court Rules aim to reduce the prevalence of a party seeking to put before the Court expert evidence which interests their own case. It is generally preferable to appoint a joint expert, who receives joint instructions and therefore may be more inclined to offer an opinion that is balanced, considered, and will withstand scrutiny, as opposed to an expert who may become biased as a result of only hearing the instructions of one party.

A party may seek to leave to appoint its own adversarial expert, rather than appointing a joint expert. An adversarial expert can only be appointed however in certain circumstances, such as where it is argued the joint expert had insufficient qualifications or expertise in the subject matter about which they are providing an opinion.

The Court is not bound by the opinion or recommendations given by an Expert in Court proceedings. The Court can use its discretion in order to determine whether to rely on the opinion of an Expert, either in whole or in part.

To obtain specialist family law advice in relation to your matter, contact Robinson + McGuinness to arrange an initial appointment. Contact our office on (02) 6225 7040 or by email on or get started now online to make an appointment with one of our experienced family lawyers.


Author: Margot McCabe