Proposed Family Law Changes 2023: Key Amendments Explained

Exploring the Proposed Amendments to the Family Law Act 1975

In early 2023, following reviews by the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee into Australia’s family law system, the Attorney-General’s Department published an exposure draft of the Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 for public comment. The primary focus of the proposed amendments is ensuring that the family law system prioritises and recognises the best interests of the child.

 The amendment Bill contains a number of proposed changes. Some of the most significant are:

The Removal of the Presumption of Equal Shared Parental Responsibility

Currently, section 61DA of the Family Law Act applies a presumption that parents should receive equal shared parental responsibility unless a party can show the Court that it is not in the best interests of the child. The removal of this presumption could make the process for obtaining parenting orders simpler for parties, which would in turn allow the Court to better focus on understanding the best interests of the child.

An Overhaul of the Factors Considered by the Court when Determining the Best Interests of the Child

In its existing form, the Family Law Act provides two main factors and thirteen additional factors to be considered when determining what parenting arrangement would be in the best interests of the child. The suggested changes see this being simplified to six factors of equal weight. There is also a seventh factor to be applied when the child identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Requiring that the Independent Children’s Lawyer meet with the Child

Independent Children’s Lawyers are not presently required to meet with the child whose interests they are representing. It is being proposed that Independent Children’s Lawyers must meet with all children over the age of five, so that they are able to voice any views or concerns they may have in relation to the matter.

Restricting the Filing of Potentially Harmful Applications

The amendment Bill seeks to limit the filing of applications which may be especially harmful to the child and/or the respondent. Under the proposed changes, the Court would have the power to dismiss applications it believes are frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process.

Notwithstanding these proposed changes, navigating the family law system can be complex and confusing. To make an appointment with one of our experienced family lawyers please contact our office on (02) 6225 7040 or by email on or get started now online.

Author: Hannah Gibson