9 Essential Tips to Know After Separation | RM Family Law

Separation essentials: Nine things to know after separation


1. Timeframes are important! If you have been in a de facto relationship, you have two years from the date of separation to formalise your property settlement. If you are married, you have 12 months from the date of divorce to formalise your property settlement. You must be separated for 12 months before applying for divorce.

2. Divorce proceedings are separate to Court proceedings relating to parenting and property matters. The divorce application process is generally a relatively quick and simple process.

3. Delay is risky. It is advisable to formalise a property settlement as soon as reasonably practicable after separation, to ensure that there is not any significant change in the financial circumstances of parties from that which existed during the relationship.

There are also risks associated with delay in parenting matters. For example, if there are unsatisfactory parenting arrangements in place, it can become increasingly difficult to change any “status quo” which may come about, the longer that those arrangements are in place.

4. Transparency is required regarding your respective finances while negotiating a property settlement. All parties are required to provide full and frank disclosure of their financial circumstances, including income, property in their name or possession, and any financial resource available to them. If a party has failed to provide disclosure, there could be scope for the other party to have any Binding Financial Agreement or Court Orders set aside, on the basis of that non-disclosure.

5. You are entitled to obtain independent legal advice, and should do so. Each party ought to obtain legal advice from different lawyers. Your solicitor’s job is to give objective and realistic advice to assist you in resolving any dispute. Anything that you discuss with your solicitor is confidential.

6. Children should not be involved in discussions regarding property or parenting arrangements. It is important for children to be protected from conflict, and not placed in a position where they are exposed to any unkind comments made about a parent or other family member.

7. There are a range of alternative dispute resolution options available to parties, including collaborative law, mediations, arbitration. These alternative options of dispute resolution are aimed at reducing the conflict, delay, and cost which can be associated with more traditional methods of dispute resolution, and of course to avoid Court where possible.

8. Most matters resolve without litigating. Those who have recently gone through a separation are sometimes understandably concerned about the risk of being involved in stressful and costly litigation. The vast majority of people reach agreement without being involved in Court proceedings, and only approximately 5% of matters before the Court progress all the way to a final hearing. Litigation is a last resort, and should be treated as such, unless there are safety issues or in matters of urgency.

9. You, and your loved ones, are entitled to feel safe and if you have any concerns about your safety you should urgently obtain advice, including in relation to the possibility of obtaining a protection order to cease or limit contact with another party.


To obtain specialist family law advice in relation to your separation, contact Robinson + McGuinness to arrange an initial appointment. Contact our office on (02) 6225 7040 or by email on info@rmfamilylaw.com.au or get started now online to make an appointment with one of our experienced family lawyers.

Author: Margot McCabe