Navigating Relationship Breakdowns and Family Law | RM Law

When times change...

Many of us hope to find a life partner, have a fulfilling work and home life, maintain good health, acquire property and perhaps have children. For a great many of us, some, if not all of these things are achieved and we go through life dealing with the ups and downs and challenges that it presents. For some of us, however, we achieve the first part, but then after a period of years our relationship breaks down.

As well as dealing with the emotional challenges of relationship breakdown, the regret and sometimes guilt, there are practical issues that also need to be dealt with: Who gets the house? Who do the children live with? When will the other parent see the children? What happens to superannuation? How do I extricate myself financially from my former partner? All of these and more are issues that may need to be dealt with when you are still dealing with the emotional trauma of a relationship breakdown.

There can be tendency to think many of these issues are "too hard" and that you will deal with them later. To let things drift and stumble along based on the advice and information offered by family and friends is often tempting.

The Family Law Act prescribes the rights of parties following relationship breakdown: divorce; how property is divided; the criteria for making decisions in the best interests of children and how workable arrangements can be made for your children going forward. It is important to get advice about your rights, entitlements and obligations so that you can make the best decisions for your future and in some cases, especially, for the future of your children.

At Robinson + McGuinness we are committed to providing information and advice that will assist you to navigate through the sometimes difficult and fraught process of making decisions for you and your family following a relationship breakdown. To find out more visit our website at or telephone (02) 6225 7040 to make an appointment with a member of our team.